Wednesday, 18 November 2015

The Lord will help

The rain was falling and the water level was rising. As the water level rose higher and higher, forcing the man on to the roof of his house, along came a rowboat with an offer to take him to safer ground.
"No, thanks." the man replied. "The Lord will provide." As the water got higher, alone came someone in a motorboat with another offer to take the man to safer ground.
"No thanks, the Lord will supply." Standing on the very top of his chimney with a helicopter hovering overhead offering to take him to safer ground, he yelled out, "Thanks, but no thanks.
The Lord will provide." The rapidly rising water finally swept the man off the top of his house, taking him downstream toward destruction. While being swept alone in the rapids, he cried out, "Lord, why didn't you help me? You know I was trusting in you." He heard a voice say, "I sent you a rowboat, a motorboat, and a helicopter. What more did you want me to do?"
Isn't this just like most of us? God sends the help we are praying for, but all too often we refuse to recognize the help He sends.

“When things over our heads and we are out of control, we blame him for ignoring us”.

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